Affordable Healthcare
The Center for Healing & Hope provides medical care for people:
- who are uninsured
- without a family physician
- who meet income guidelines
We are much more than a substitute for a visit to the hospital or emergency room:
- We seek to give compassionate care that will bring hope along with healing
- Our staff and volunteers are here because they care
- Clinic staff speak Spanish and English or work with volunteer interpreters
Clinic visit cost
We ask patients to pay a small fee for a clinic visit. Payment is expected when service is provided.
Lab tests, procedures, and medication cost extra. We offer reduced prices wherever we can.
If you can’t pay the flat fee, we have a sliding fee scale. To qualify, you need to bring proof of income. Proof of income includes any of the following that apply to you:
- Pay stubs for the last three weeks.
- If self-employed, bring a copy of last year’s tax return.
- Proof of unemployment benefits.
- Social Security eligibility letter or a copy of Social Security check.
- If you have no income for the last three months, we will accept a written statement, signed and dated, explaining your financial hardship.
- If you are paid in cash; you may bring a letter from your employer stating your income, or sign a statement verifying your income.
Financial contributions from individuals, churches, businesses, foundations and service clubs help pay the rest of the costs.
Help enrolling in insurance and accessing other services
If you think you are eligible for health insurance, we can refer you to a navigator in the community that can help patients sign up through the health insurance marketplace, Medicaid, and Indiana’s HIP 2.0 program. To locate a navigator you may visit: https://in-fssa.my.site.com/HCNav/
The following resource helps guide seniors and disabled immigrants and their families through the Medicare enrollment process. The resource answers common questions about the different parts of Medicare, walks through what is and isn’t covered by the federal health insurance program, and most importantly, has translations for over 20 different languages. https://www.medicareplans.com/medicare-coverage-resource-of-immigrant-populations/spanish/
If you need to see a doctor and can’t wait
Go directly to an urgent care center or the emergency room of a hospital.