Goshen Resident ID Card
What is the Goshen Resident ID card (GRID card)?
The Goshen Resident Identification card verifies the identity and address of the person to whom it is issued.
The Goshen Resident ID card is not a valid form of identification for voting. It is not a driver’s license.
Who is the Goshen Resident ID card for?
The Goshen Resident ID card is for everyone who has a Goshen address. The card will be of particular help to people who are unable to get a driver’s license or other form of official identification.
What does the Goshen Resident ID card do?
- It provides verified identification for the person carrying the card when that person interacts with community officials, such as personnel from law enforcement, city services and schools.
- It may provide one way of confirming identity for purchasing prescriptions and handling money transactions.
- Visit the GRID Benefits page to find out about local businesses who are giving discounts and special offers to people who show a GRID card.
How can someone get a Goshen Resident ID card?
To get a card, a person will need to provide several documents that confirm his or her identity and address. Staff will review the documents for authenticity before issuing a card. No identifying information about applicants will be maintained after the card is issued.
What does it cost to get a Goshen Resident ID card?
The anticipated cost of the Goshen Resident ID card is $25. Discounts may be available.
How can I help this effort?
Volunteers will be needed, especially at times when people are applying for cards. Anyone wishing to assist may contact us at 574-534-4744 ext. 209 or HOPE@CHHclinics.org.
To schedule an appointment to register for your GRID card, call 574-534-4744 ext. 209 or text or send a Whatsapp message with the word “GRID” and your preferred language to 574-205-9425.