Muchas Mochilas, or Many Backpacks, is Center for Healing & Hope’s annual back-to-school event that places backpacks filled with school supplies in the hands of local students, ensuring they are able to start their school year with the basic supplies needed to be successful in the classroom.

The initiative began in 2020 when executive director Missy Schrock found a supply of donated backpacks in the clinic, then located at Plymouth United Church of Christ. Instead of allowing the backpacks to sit there and collect dust, she decided they should be given away to students who would put them to good use.

Center for Healing & Hope has continued the event, now in it’s fifth year, to support this need in our community. Thanks to generous sponsors and donors, we have given away more than 800 backpacks filled with school supplies to local students! Click the donate button below to join our efforts and support local students. Select “Muchas Mochilas” as your designation when making your gift. Your donation will help cover the cost of backpacks, supplies, and gift cards for local families.

Center for Healing Hope