Patients with significant needs for medical care rely on CHH when they are not able to get care anywhere else.Give online button

CHH continues to rely on community support to make this care possible.

Patient stories tell of the needs:

  • Families are coming here because jobs are available, but it takes time to get work, insurance and a doctor.
  • Part-time jobs offer no insurance; other employment options may have premiums too high to afford.
  • When someone loses a job, they lose insurance and access to their regular doctor.
    Some medical practices are not able to take new patients.
  • Some patients qualify for coverage through the Healthcare Marketplace and want help navigating through the application and enrollment.

This is why the Center for Healing & Hope continues to fill a crucial role in the health care picture in our area.

With your help, CHH steps into the gap with volunteer nurses, doctors and other professionals who treat medical needs, and add a dimension of caring that brings healing and hope.

Please consider making a contribution to the Center for Healing & Hope in your year-end giving. You can

  • give online,
  • call our office to make a credit-card gift (574-534-4744),
  • send you gift by mail (PO Box 195, Goshen, IN  46527-0195)

Join us in giving thanks for the strengths in our communities and for the ways we can work together toward the healing and hope God offers. As Paul wrote, “This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God’s people but is overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God” (2 Cor. 9:12).

In faith and hope,
Bryan Mierau
Executive Director

Center for Healing Hope