Center for Healing & Hope has embraced the opportunity to move to a new location that will be best suited to being a welcoming place for affordable healthcare and immigrant services. With modern medical amenities, a larger overall footprint, and an established building along a main thoroughfare, Center for Healing & Hope will be able to continue to expand our services as needed by the community, while also providing care for an increased number of patients. We will officially be moved out of our current location April 1st, with an upcoming announcement of when the new location will be open for patients shortly thereafter. The new location is at 400 W Lincoln Ave., Goshen, IN 46526. For all of the gifts we received at Center for Healing & Hope in 2020, we say “Thank you” for trusting us with your investment in our mission. We are humbled and grateful to have the opportunity to facilitate being the healing hands of Christ through you to those we serve.