On July 23rd, we handed out 300 school backpacks along with school supplies, parent/guardian resource packets, and grocery gift cards to Martin’s Supermarket. The event provides local families the ability to receive these needed supplies free of charge in order to start their child off on the right foot as they enter a new school year.
This initiative has grown from providing 200 backpacks in past years, to the 300 we handed out this year. Cars began lining up as early as 8am for the 10am start. After only 45 minutes, the backpacks and supplies were all handed out. While we were blessed to have the support to provide these resources, we are also saddened when we have to turn away dozens of cars that are still waiting in line. This speaks to the needs in the community, and we hope to continue to provide this service, and potentially continue to increase the number of backpacks we can give out.
We’d like to thank Everence and InterCambio Express for sponsoring the Muchas Mochilas event this year, and thanks to our individual donors that also contributed to the project. We also thank our staff and volunteers who worked to not only put the supply kits and parent packets together, but worked outside in the rain to help direct traffic and hand out the materials the day of the event.