We are excited to announce the Welcome Home Campaign at Center for Healing & Hope!
We moved into the medical building at 400 W. Lincoln Avenue in April of 2021. Prior to that we were blessed with a great partnership and space at Plymouth United Church of Christ for nearly ten years. It was during the pandemic in 2020 that we really had to take a closer look at the functionality of that space and the future of our mission. An opportunity arose. The medical office on Lincoln Avenue had been vacated, paving the way for conversation around what it would look like to take the next step in our organizational journey by moving into the building. With the help of our great donors and volunteers we were able to move into the space on a three year lease with a goal of one day purchasing the building.
The $3,000,000 Welcome Home Campaign began in late December of 2021 and has three major goals:
1.) Fund the purchase of the building at 400 W. Lincoln Avenue = $1,200,000
2.) Create a building maintenance endowment fund to care for the building over time = $300,000 (held at the Community Foundation of Elkhart County and Everence)
3.) Raise annual support dollars to fund mission growth = $1,500,000
As of January 2024 we have raised $2,870,000 toward our $3,000,000 goal. We intend to complete the campaign by March 31, 2024, but we can only do that with your help! We are seeking to raise the remainder of the goal during these first few months of 2024, and your support now and into the future is more important than ever.
Gifts made to the Community Health Fund, Building Purchase, or “where needed most” from January through March will help us reach our goal. If you’ve been with us for several years you can feel great knowing your annual support from 2022 and 2023 has already counted toward our goal, making you a participant in this important effort.
Naming Opportunities available:
Executive Office: $20,000
Kitchen: $20,000
Pharmacy: $20,000
Exam Room(s): $25,000
Procedure Room: $35,000
To make a major gift, to inquire about naming a space in our building, or to learn about giving to our endowment fund please contact:
Missy Schrock | Executive Director (574) 534-4744 ext. 206
Daniel Tackett | Director of Marketing & Development (574) 534-4744 ext. 202